Welcome to MathTA

MyMathTA.com is an online math instructional resource that provides the most efficient and effective way for students to learn the math skills taught in Kindergarten through 5th Grade.

It is an instructor-led tool designed to be the most streamlined way for teachers and parents to ensure students get and stay on track.

Our animated worked examples are designed to solve the root problem that instructors face of running out of instruction time before most students fully grasp math concepts.

Our primary goal is to provide an instruction tool that is efficient enough to eliminate the need for additional intervention.

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission

At MathTA, our mission is to provide a math resource that has the instructional efficiency to ensure math proficiency. We aim to eliminate the need for additional intervention outside of class instruction. ​

Our Vision

At MathTA, our vision is to leverage technology to eliminate barriers to educational equality. ​

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission

At MathTA, our mission is to provide a math resource that has the instructional efficiency to ensure math proficiency. We aim to eliminate the need for additional intervention outside of class instruction. ​

Our Vision

At MathTA, our vision is to leverage technology to eliminate barriers to educational equality. ​

We Addresss The Root Problem

Traditional math resources are not efficient enough to overcome

Traditional math resources are not efficient enough to overcome

Testing vs Teaching

Problem with Traditional Math Resources

They are sufficient for

They are not sufficient for

Traditional resources focus on assessing skill gaps.
Our focus is on sufficiently addressing those gaps.

Problem with Traditional Math Resources

They are sufficient for

They are not sufficient for

Traditional resources focus on assessing skill gaps.
Our focus is on sufficiently addressing those gaps.

How It Works

Our animated worked examples substantially reduce the time it takes

This substantially reduces

Students are now able to progress through as many as 50 to 100 examples in 10 minutes or less.


Our animated worked examples substantially reduce the time it takes

This substantially reduces

Students are now able to progress through as many as 50 to 100 examples in 10 minutes or less.

Why We Focus on Individual Steps​

3 Keys to Math Success

1) Understand

Understand why each step is made in a step-by-step solution

1) Understand

We ensure that students understand why each individual step is made when given a step-by-step illustration

2) Memorize

Memorize each step without seeing step-by-step solution

2) Memorize

We utilize repetition so students can memorize how to complete each individual step on their own without a step-by-step solution

3) Maintain

Maintain speed & accuracy through each step under pressure

3) Maintain

We equip students with the speed & accuracy they need to maintain for success under the pressure of timed tests

Based on Decades of Research

The Need For Efficiency

“Even evidence-based instructional methods may not be sufficient for closing the achievement gaps if the procedures cannot be reasonably implemented within an allocated classroom time frame.”  Source: Evidence-Based Instruction Is Not Enough: Strategies for Increasing Instructional Efficiency 

The Need For Efficiency

“Even evidence-based instructional methods may not be sufficient for closing the achievement gaps if the procedures cannot be reasonably implemented within an allocated classroom time frame.”  

Source: Evidence-Based Instruction Is Not Enough: Strategies for Increasing Instructional Efficiency 

Based on 100+ Studies

Designed based on over 100+ studies on the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of worked examples and animation in instruction. The most promising practices spanning four decades are incorporated in every step-by-step presentation and video.

Based on 100+ Studies

Designed based on over 100+ studies on the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of worked examples and animation in instruction. The most promising practices spanning four decades are incorporated in every step-by-step presentation and video.

From Frustration to Elation

Students can now:

Teachers can now:

Students can now

Teachers can now